Tip #1.
If you are going to tie down bikes in the back of a U-Haul or similar conveyance, PLEEAASE do a couple of things.
A) Take off any tall or non retractable windshields. The new Road Show Beemer had a beautiful after-market windshield on her, which was actually one of the reasons I did buy here, and it got trashed in the move from California to New Mexico.

Above, one of the few extant pictures of the Road Show Beemer with the windshield intact. There are no after photos because I just took the remains off threw them away and was too bummed out to even take a pic.
The picture and the caption above pretty much tell the story. You can see that she was torn down for a clutch replacement at the time, but you get the idea.
Point IS those floors are slippery and it is extremely easy to slide and get crossed up and have a little crash into the side of the truck.
B) Put the bikes in LAST! The Wrench Wench tried to warn me but NOOOOOOO.... Beemerman had to have it his way and put them in first. That is bad for a couple of reasons. Reason number one...see A) Reason number two, if you don't have to pack around the bikes then there is less likely hood of anything coming crashing down and breaking your freaking windwshield, or denting your tank or whatever...
Tip #2.
If you are going to be tying you bike down for hauling ...follow the link below and buy a set of these immediately!
'till next time....BMWeerman...out.....
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