End of the day in clinic 7
Of the many residential groups who are temporary transplants to Phoenix, some of the most interesting are the MMI students. I happen to be currently be a student, so it is also the group that I know best. Since there are only two places in the U.S. where one can get basic factory training, Phoenix, AZ and Orlando, FL, there are people of all ages from all over the country and a few foreign students at the Phoenix campus.
It is a much tougher thing to get one's motorcycle mechanics,(technicians) certification than I thought. One of the main difficulties is the draconian attendance policy. A minimum of 90% is required for graduation and, if you want to get a job somewhere when you are done, you had better do much better than that. The reason attendance is so closely monitored is because shops and factories value that factor highly as an indicator of employability.
There are no excuses to be absent or tardy, none. If you are late or absent it comes off your overall score, no excuses. Life sometimes does things that force you to have to be somewhere else though, and it can be frustrating to lose your perfect attendance over a one time medical emergency or something of that nature. Why is it hard to be somewhere five hours a day? Most people go to work everyday, right? Fair enough, but most students are here on full financial aid and many get little or no help from home so they are forced to work unusual, long hours at low paying jobs as well as go to school. So if one can manage just to get to MMI everyday it can be a huge deal.

Good work guys! Now can you put it back on?
The classes, or clinics, as they are called are a mixed bag. It all depends on what instructor you get for any given clinic. They are as diverse in background and personality as the students. All of them are excellent mechanics however their skill as teachers is all over the map. Although, once one gets beyond clinic six the teaching philosophy changes from a hand-holding approach to, "If it is broken when you get it, fix it. If you don't understand it or don't know how to do it, look it up." So the instructors teaching style does not really matter all that much.
One of the main things that drive a lot of people to finish it out of sheer will to shake off the stigma of being a "Blue Shirt." Even though the school would not exist without students, it is still a pretty lowly thing to be one in that environment. For example, overheard instructor to instructor joke - Q. When is it OK to drop a V-Rod off a lift? A. Whenever there are a couple of blue shirts under it, ha ha. So, beyond endurance it takes a little sense of humor to keep motoring along in the program.

Clinic 4, Basic Electrical
What happens afterward? Although the hard data is somewhat conflicting, it appears that the service industry will continue to be stable and even grow in this economy.
MMI has a highly touted life-long job placement program which has already helped people I know personally. So the prospects for employment in the power sports industry are optimistic. Ultimately it is whatever you make it.
MMI is a place where real learning goes on and the discipline of the craft, if taken seriously, can be life changing. In spite of the hardships and just general weirdness of the whole place, I think it is working out as a good stop on many peoples' journeys through life. Will keep you posted as the ride continues.
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